How to use markdown to write an article?


To create a title, you can use one or more hash (#) symbols at the beginning of a line, followed by a space and the title text. The number of hash symbols determines the heading level.

# This is a Level 1 Heading
## This is a Level 2 Heading
### This is a Level 3 Heading


Paragraphs in Markdown are created by simply typing the text. You can separate paragraphs by a blank line.

# This is a Level 1 Heading
## This is a Level 2 Heading
### This is a Level 3 Heading


Inline code

This is `inline code`.

code blocks, “` followed by programing language name

def hello_world():
    print("Hello, World!")


![Alt text](URL)
  • Alt text: This is the alternative text that will be displayed if the image cannot be loaded. It is also used for accessibility.
  • URL: The URL or path to the image. This can also be path on file system


# My Markdown Document

This is a paragraph introducing the document. You can add more content here.

## Section 1

This is another paragraph under a level 2 heading.

### Subsection

You can continue with subsections.

![Example Image](

Remember to replace the example image URL with the actual URL of your image.