How to write a shopify app that can pull a merchant’s catalog data

To write a Shopify app that can pull a merchant’s catalog data, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Set up a Shopify Partner account: Visit the Shopify Partner website ( and create an account. This will provide you with access to Shopify’s development resources and tools.
  2. Create a new Shopify app: In your Partner account, navigate to the Apps section and create a new app. Provide the necessary details such as the app name, app URL, and other required information.
  3. Configure your app’s permissions: Specify the required permissions for your app to access a merchant’s catalog data. For catalog data, you might need the read_products or read_all_products scope. Refer to Shopify’s API documentation for the specific scopes and permissions you need.
  4. Implement OAuth authentication: Use Shopify’s OAuth process to authenticate and authorize your app to access a merchant’s store. This involves redirecting the merchant to Shopify’s authorization URL, obtaining an access token, and storing it securely for future API requests.
  5. Use Shopify API to fetch catalog data: Once you have the access token, you can make API requests to the Shopify API endpoints to retrieve the merchant’s catalog data. You can use the GET /admin/products.json endpoint to fetch product data, for example.
  6. Handle pagination and rate limiting: Depending on the size of the catalog, you may need to handle pagination using the page and limit parameters in your API requests. Additionally, be aware of Shopify’s rate limits and implement appropriate handling to avoid exceeding the limits.
  7. Process and store the catalog data: Once you retrieve the catalog data from the API, you can process it as needed and store it in your app’s database or any other storage solution you prefer.
  8. Implement any necessary data synchronization: Depending on your app’s requirements, you might need to implement periodic or event-based data synchronization to keep the catalog data up to date with the merchant’s store.
  9. Build a user interface (UI): Develop a user interface within your app to display the fetched catalog data to the merchant. This can be a dashboard, reports, or any other visualization that fits your app’s purpose.
  10. Test and deploy your app: Test your app thoroughly, ensuring that it functions correctly and securely. Once you are satisfied with the testing, deploy your app to the Shopify App Store or share it with specific merchants as a custom app.

Remember to refer to Shopify’s API documentation ( for detailed information on the available endpoints, data structures, and authentication processes.