In dbeaver, when I query PostgreSql, can I run queries like \l?

In DBeaver, you cannot directly run psql meta-commands, such as \l, as part of your SQL query. The \l command is specific to the psql command-line tool and is not recognized by DBeaver.

However, you can achieve the same result in DBeaver by executing a regular SQL query against the PostgreSQL database information schema. The following query will retrieve a list of databases:

SELECT datname FROM pg_database;

To run this query in DBeaver:

  1. Open a SQL editor in DBeaver.
  2. Connect to your PostgreSQL database.
  3. In the SQL editor, enter the query: SELECT datname FROM pg_database;.
  4. Execute the query by clicking the “Execute” button or using the keyboard shortcut (e.g., Ctrl+Enter).

DBeaver will execute the query against the PostgreSQL database and display the results in the SQL editor’s result panel. The result will be a list of database names.

By running this query, you can obtain information about databases in PostgreSQL, similar to the \l command in psql.