import hashlib
def generate_file_hash(file_path):
# Create a hash object using SHA-256
sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256()
# Open the file in binary mode
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
# Read the file in chunks of 4096 bytes
for byte_block in iter(lambda:, b''):
# Update the hash with the current chunk
# Get the hexadecimal representation of the hash
file_hash = sha256_hash.hexdigest()
return file_hash
# Specify the path to the file
file_path = '/path/to/your/file.txt'
# Create a unique hash based on file name and size
unique_hash = generate_file_hash(file_path)
print(f'The unique hash for the file {file_path} is: {unique_hash}')