演算法練習 Leetcode 力扣 518. Coin Change 2解法

作為lc322 coin change的follow up,leetcode標記為medium,而且acceptance rate為47%,高於coin change的34.2%。個人做下來覺得很難,比322要難。寫出一個邏輯正確的解法還算OK,但是OJ會超時。

Python 版本 top down dfs + backtrace

class Solution(object):
    def change(self, amount, coins):
        :type amount: int
        :type coins: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        cur_path = []
        paths = set()
        self.dfs(amount, coins, cur_path, paths)
        return len(paths)
    def dfs(self, amount, coins, cur_path, paths):
        if amount == 0:
            path = tuple(sorted(cur_path))
        if amount < 0:
        for coin in coins:
            self.dfs(amount - coin, coins, cur_path, paths)
            del cur_path[-1]

Python 版本 bottom up dp

class Solution(object):
    def change(self, amount, coins):
        :type amount: int
        :type coins: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        dp = [None] * (amount + 1)
        dp[0] = set()
        for i in range(1, amount + 1):
            combos = set()
            for coin in coins:
                rest = i - coin
                if rest >= 0 and dp[rest] is not None:
                    for rest_combo in dp[rest]:
                        combo = tuple(sorted(rest_combo + (coin,)))
            if len(combos) > 0:
                dp[i] = combos
        return len(dp[amount]) if dp[amount] is not None else 0 



class Solution(object):
    def change(self, amount, coins):
        :type amount: int
        :type coins: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        dp = [1] + [0] * amount
        for coin in coins:
            for i in xrange(amount - coin + 1):
                if dp[i]:
                    dp[i + coin] += dp[i]
        return dp[amount]

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